Communications » The CVSD LINK - Newsletter 2024

The CVSD LINK - Newsletter 2024

Associate of Arts (AA) Degree Offered in High School

CVSD partnered with local higher education to offer an AA degree at University High School (UHS) this fall with Central Valley (CVHS) and Ridgeline (RHS) to follow. 
Together, Community Colleges of Spokane (CCS), Eastern Washington University (EWU), and CVSD paved the way for students to achieve a no-cost AA degree while attending their neighborhood high school. The CVSD School Board approved this program at its May 7, 2024 special board meeting.

Thanks to this new partnership, incoming freshmen at UHS will have a new college pathway option available this fall. CVSD will expand to CVHS and RHS for the 2025-2026 school year with similar programs.

This collaboration weaves together educational offerings that provide high school students the opportunity to earn an Associate of Arts Direct Transfer Agreement (AA-DTA) degree at their high school campus. Previously, high school students could earn EWU credits through College in the High School (CIHS), or attend courses on Spokane Community College (SCC) or Spokane Falls Community College (SFCC) campuses to earn an associate degree in conjunction with their high school diploma. 

This new opportunity will provide students flexibility to remain on their high school campus and participate in the daily activities of their high school community, while pursuing a college-level degree.

“I’m thrilled our ideas merged into this partnership, providing an option for CVSD students who want to earn their two-year college degree yet stay at their own high school. Providing a variety of college pathways better serves all of our students' needs—regardless of socioeconomic status or readiness and ability to traverse to a college campus.” said Superintendent John Parker. “This is also a big win for our community in helping get young adults into the workforce sooner than usual.”

CCS Chancellor Kevin Brockbank agreed, “This partnership benefits everyone because it gives students choices and removes 
barriers for high school students who may not be able to navigate transportation challenges to easily attend community college classes at our campuses. Some students are eager to go off-site, but others want to stay at their high schools.”

EWU already offers CIHS with credentialed high school instructors at all three CVSD comprehensive high schools. These courses would comprise two-thirds of the required courses in the AA-DTA degree. The remaining one-third of courses would be taught online by SCC faculty to students gathered at the high school. Students who complete the program would graduate with both their high school degree and an AA-DTA degree from SCC, in this instance. 

An AA-DTA degree guarantees a student will enter a Washington state public university as a junior, with their general education credits complete.

“Eastern is proud to continue our longstanding community partnerships with CVSD and CCS,” EWU President Shari McMahan shared. “As a regional public university, expanding access to higher education is a cornerstone of our mission, and we’re thrilled to be a part of this innovative opportunity for high school students to get a head start toward completing a four-year degree program.”

The AA-DTA that will be offered onsite at UHS will be a good fit for students who plan to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree, rather than a Bachelor of Science. It will focus on social science classes instead of lab science or advanced math courses. Students seeking a four-year degree in science, mathematics, allied health or technology will either want to wait until graduation or attend Running Start classes during their junior and senior year at SCC or SFCC. There is potential that yet-to-be-developed programs at CVHS or RHS could contain a STEM focus. Plans will need to be individually tailored at each school, based on the teacher’s unique qualifications.

State Superintendent Chris Reykdal noted, “This program will tear down barriers for each student within CVSD who wants to engage in advanced coursework and graduate from high school with an associate degree. This initiative is a testament to the courageous leadership of CVSD, CCS and EWU, and I hope we will soon see similar opportunities for students across our state.” 

Learn more at

Your CVSD Capital Facilities Committee and staff have been busy working on future plans for our schools – beginning summer 2024 – in addition to a 25-year long-range plan. Although projects listed in the Capital Facilities levy approved by voters in February 2024 were not slated to begin until 2025, the facilities department is getting a head start. This summer begins work on sidewalks and concrete repairs as well as the Central Valley and University High School stadium lights moving forward in terms of ordering and prep. The CVSD School Board is also considering a plan to accelerate some of the projects in the levy. Visit our future projects page for more info.

Braeden Rowland

CVSD Student of the Year (First Annual)

2024 University High School (UHS) graduate Braeden Rowland was honored at the 2024 Northeast Washington Association of School Administrators community awards as CVSD’s first annual student of the year. He was pivotal in helping to establish and maintain “Titan” culture through relentless efforts as a class officer, ASB president, club/activity leader, CVSD School Board Rep. for the past two years, member of the newly formed CVSD Student Advisory Council and mentor to young students. Rowland helped increase access and equity to all UHS students. “Without question, students felt a stronger sense of belonging and devotion to help fellow peers based on Braeden's daily contributions to his school and the whole CVSD community,” said UHS Principal Rob Bartlett. “He’s a role model for all students."

John Parker Effective Administrator

Effective Admin of the Year: State Recognizes CVSD Leader

Superintendent John Parker was recently named state-wide “Most Effective Administrator” for large school districts at the 2024 Washington Association of School Administrators’ Honorary Awards Luncheon. The state-wide PEMCO Robert J. Handy Most Effective Administrator Award seeks to recognize outstanding public-school
administrators. One highly effective superintendent is selected from a small, medium and large school district (over 2,000 students). Award recipients exemplify outstanding leadership, contributions and service to students. Their work and the manner in which they go about it are shining examples of the core tenets of leadership, trust and advocacy. They are considered positive change agents in public education.
Lindsay Miller

Community Member of the Year: CVSD Recognizes Long-time Volunteer

Lindsay Miller, a long-time CVSD Capital Facilities Committee member and active parent was also recently recognized as an outstanding volunteer at the 2024 Northeast Washington Association of School Administrators community awards. Thanks for all you do for students.

Educator of the Year: Valley Chamber Celebrates CVHS Principal

Katie Louie Receiving Plague Photo

Katie Louie was named the 2024 CVSD Educator of the Year at the Spokane Valley Chamber Awards. Louie joined Central Valley High School (CVHS) in 2008 as a math teacher, progressing to CVHS assistant principal, then Spokane Valley Tech principal. Now, she’s back at CVHS as the principal. “Katie

Louie is known for her empathetic and decisive leadership, which significantly improved school culture and community engagement,” said Superintendent Parker. “Her leadership style, ability to connect with students and staff, and innovative approach to education truly make her deserving of this accolade.”

Meritorious Awardees of the Year: School Board Celebrated District-wide Staff & Community Awards

The CVSD School Board personally honored exemplary employees and community contributions through the annual Meritorious Service Awards with ceremonies at 31 schools/departments in March. The Board announced district-wide recipients in each category on March 25.
Certificated: Abby Deocariza, Adams Teacher; Katie Louie, CVHS Principal; Connor Kuhl, Evergreen Teacher; Ken Matheison, UHS Teacher; Garrett Newbill, UHS Teacher; Classified: Trudy Byus, University Elementary Interpreter; Jesse McNabb, Evergreen Custodian; Mary Scott, Opportunity Paraeducator; Employee Teams: Broadway Academic Leadership Team; North Pines English Language Development Team; Community: George Orr, Chester Elementary; Geoff Dean, Ridgeline High School; Garden Club, University High School: VaLynn Woolley, Anya Turner; Prime Time Panda Mentors, Opportunity. For a full list of all honorees see our Meritorious page. 
Meritorious Winners Photo

Pam OrebaughThe 2023-2024 school year was a very busy and productive year. We’re proud of all the work we accomplished in conjunction with district administrators and staff. We look forward to continue making our district the best it can be for our students, parents, staff, and community. 
In our work, our highest priority remains student safety and success in all areas. To successfully do this, we must also focus on supporting our teachers, staff, and parents in addition to fiscal responsibility and listening to our community.
Some school year highlights include the following:
  • developing improved stakeholder communication, especially parents/guardians,
  • advocating for and working on increased transparency, especially with fiscally related items.
  • supporting students by attending school events, inviting student reps. to speak at board meetings, and supporting Dr. Parker in establishing a Student Advisory Council,
  • working with our state legislators on items related to funding and local control of school boards,
  • ensuring all levy communications were accurate, transparent, easy to understand, and accessible,
  • implementing strategic plan initiatives, and 
  • developing new superintendent board team goals and working agreements and adjusting the start times of board meetings for community accessibility.
We could not do this rewarding and involved work without your support and collaboration. We appreciate all our community does for our schools. Please reach out as we desire to hear from our stakeholders. Or, join us at our board meetings the second or fourth Mondays at 6pm, 2218 N Molter Rd. Learn more here

President Pam Orebaugh
Pam Orebaugh, President, Dist. #5, elected 2021. Originally from Montana, Orebaugh has lived our area for 30+ years. She currently teaches university-level nursing. Her career includes flight nursing and care for children/pregnant women. An active community volunteer, she has four children who attended CV schools and one currently. She loves the Zags, water sports and working with her daughter’s horse.
Teresa Landa, Vice President, Dist. #2, elected 2021. Her educational career spans 26 years as a former CVSD teacher/admin.; Newport Superintendent; and NEWESD101's Asst. Superintendent. Four family generations hold CVSD diplomas, including Landa. Find her family’s photos at the Spokane Valley Heritage Museum. She volunteers as a classroom helper and loves stand-up paddle boarding.
Anniece Barker, Legislative Rep., Dist. #4, elected 2023.  Barker is an active community volunteer and A Voice for Washington Children organization’s founding chair, formed in 2020 to protect parent rights. She advocates for community values, fiscal stewardship and high academic standards. A home-based baking business owner, she loves to provide cooking and art classes at her children’s CVSD schools.
Stephanie Jerdon, Director, Dist. #3, elected 2023. Jerdon formerly taught 5th and 6th grades in Utah, prior to raising her children: two graduated from CVSD and one more to go. She’s been a classroom mentor, PTO member, library programming specialist and clerk. Jerdon leads with proactive community involvement. An Air Force wife, her family moved around before settling here in 2016. She enjoys international travel.
Cindy McMullen, Director, Dist. #1, elected 2015. A retired attorney after 40+ years, McMullen served four years on the State Board of Education and previously served 24 years on the CVSD School Board. She’s a past president of WSSDA and active on their legislative committee. She has three daughters who went to CV schools. McMullen is a huge Zags and Stanford fan and loves spending time with family and her dog.

School Board

Graduating CVSD students with a 3.0 cumulative GPA have guaranteed acceptance to several state universities. By recently partnering with the Washington Guaranteed Admissions Program (WAGAP), CVSD is able to help students receive admission to the following schools: Central Washington University, Eastern Washington University, The Evergreen State College, University of Washington Tacoma, Washington State University and Western Washington University.

If a CVSD student has a 3.0 GPA and completed all credits required for graduation, they are in automatically! They just need to apply to the institution of their choice. By contrast, general admissions requires a student to first apply to an institution and then a student may be offered admission. Know a junior or senior with questions about the WAGAP program? They can contact their school's College and Career Readiness Counselor for more information.


CVSD welcomes new principals for the 2024-2025 school year: Bowdish Middle School Principal Eric Roal, Broadway Elementary Principal Ross Johnson, Evergreen Principal Tim Teterud, Greenacres Elementary Principal Brandon Dunn and Spokane Valley Tech (SVT) STEM Academy Principal Amanda St. Pierre. If you’re in the neighborhood be sure and say hello. 
New CVSD Principals Photo
L to R: Supt. Parker, Dir. Barker, V.P. Landa, Pres. Orebaugh, SVT Principal St. Pierre, BMS Principal Roal, BES Principal Johnson, Dir. McMullen, Dir. Jerdon (Not Pictured: GES Principal Dunn & EMS Principal Teterud)

Save the dates!

Hear about the “State of the District” and discover what students are learning in each of our three CVSD Learning Communities (Western, Central & Eastern).
Community Link Events
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