Strategic Roadmap: Fast Forward CVSD 2023-2028
Listen to CVSD Superintendent John Parker to learn about the district's new five-year strategic plan and answer questions.
CVSD and the Board of Directors recognize the goal of high-quality education for all students. The Board further recognizes that student achievement requires vision, structure, accountability and advocacy. This commitment led the district to the process of strategic planning in order to provide fundamental governance and management structure, guiding and supporting the work being done for our schools and students.
Planning enables the district to respond to new developments and continually improve its approach to education within the discipline of the planning process. This Strategic Roadmap will have a strong impact on students, staff and our entire Central Valley community, serving as a guide to direct the district for the next five years academically and culturally by creating multiple pathways to success.
Simply put, the Strategic Roadmap outlines the what, how and why of the work we do every day in CVSD.

Strategic Directions & Key Actions
Our Strategic Directions are broad objectives or focus areas that impact the future by:
- Using existing strengths and opportunities within our organization,
- Overcoming impeding perceptions, beliefs, assumptions and habits, as well as outmoded patterns, structures and policies, and
- Catalyzing movement in the direction of our district’s vision.
Through equitable systems, staffing and distributions of resources, the following are the Strategic Directions CVSD will focus on over the next five years.
DIRECTION 1: Pursuing a Culture of Belonging & Equitable Opportunities for All
DIRECTION 1: Pursuing a Culture of Belonging & Equitable Opportunities for All
So that all students will have the tools necessary to be successful, we will focus our actions on:
- Develop and implement strategies for teachers to promote community and a “Sense of Belonging”
- Explore, offer and promote additional learning experiences and activities based on student interest
- Elevate student voice through a Student Advisory Committee and School Board meetings
- Develop and implement recruitment and hiring processes that promote a diverse representation of staff that reflects our student body
- Develop and implement robust on-boarding protocols for new hires to create a culture of collaboration and community
- Develop and implement a professional development plan to support and grow new staff in their specific positions and encourage continued growth for all staff members
- Conduct resource needs assessments across all district schools and programs (staffing, facilities, materials, etc.)
- Allocate resources equitably, based on need, across schools and programs
- Review and update a district-wide fee schedule
- Implement the School ERP Pro (Infinite Visions) inventory control and asset management system
- Train staff on district procedures
- Support learning and supportive educational environments through long-range facility planning
- Support education through enhanced spaces and improved safety systems
- Update and utilize technology, including artificial intelligence, infrastructure and devices, to facilitate and support future-focused learning strategies
DIRECTION 2: Reimagining Systems & Structures
DIRECTION 2: Reimagining Systems & Structures
- Create data-driven building School Improvement Plans (SIP) in alignment with state standards
- Establish a two- to three-year professional development plan in conjunction with the curriculum adoption schedule
- Increase career pathways for middle and high school students through Career and Technical Education (CTE), recognizing diverse experiences and cultures in the workforce
- Explore and pilot options for “school-within-a-school” programs
- Explore and potentially implement a more balanced school year calendar
- Explore and revise bell schedules to maximize learning
- Initiate an audit on the district attendance trends and adjust policy accordingly
- Consolidate K-12 communication platforms with an inclusive focus on the needs of the recipient
- Examine and analyze grading practices in conjunction with reporting processes
DIRECTION 3: Prioritizing District-wide Supports for the Whole Child
DIRECTION 3: Prioritizing District-wide Supports for the Whole Child
- Audit student support services and resource allocation
- Identify areas of inequitable student services
- Develop and expand Tier 1 Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
- Enhance Tier 2 and Tier 3 MTSS wrap-around supports focused on students’ social and emotional health, mental health, academic and basic needs
- Ensure district diversity efforts build an understanding of and include diverse perspectives
- Educate staff on disproportionality data and implicit bias
- Create a scope and sequence to promote and support the whole child using multi-tiered and multi-domain systems of support
DIRECTION 4: Launching Infinite Possibilities
DIRECTION 4: Launching Infinite Possibilities
- Conduct educational opportunities audit and needs assessment
- Review and restructure core and elective class offerings at the middle and high school level
- Enhance and implement K-12 Career and Technical Education (CTE) Model
- Expand gifted and enrichment opportunities
- Enhance life skills learning experiences
- Develop a comprehensive district philosophy on ALE
- Create and implement a comprehensive district ALE plan