Planning for Our Future » Planning for Our Future

Planning for Our Future

Capital Projects Underway...Your Local Dollars at Work!

Your CVSD Capital Facilities Committee and staff have been busy working on future plans for schools beginning now, in addition to a 25-year long-range plan. Although projects listed in the Capital Facilities levy approved by voters in February 2024 were not slated to begin until 2025, the facilities department got a head start this summer with sidewalk and concrete repairs. Cost-efficient stadium lights were also installed at CVHS and UHS. Additionally, the School Board is considering a plan to accelerate some of the projects in the levy.

Stadium Lights

Workers installed cost-efficient stadium lights at CVHS & UHS this summer.

Capital Levy

Also on February 13, 2024...

Voters will consider a six-year Capital Safety, Facilities and Technology Improvements Levy to pay for improvements to safety and security (including creating safer vestibule entrances), playgrounds and surfaces, roofing, flooring, HVAC heating/cooling systems, stadium lighting, technology upgrades and student devices, etc.
District-wide safety, facility and technology improvements would be made to support learning environments.
  • Create safer entrances and make other safety/security improvements (including improving school vestibules, access controls, security intrusion systems, cameras, alarms and fire protection and communications systems)
  • Repair roofs, pavement and sidewalks
  • Improve HVAC heating/cooling systems, playgrounds, lighting (including stadium lights), and flooring
  • Upgrade technology devices and infrastructure (including upgrading computers, wireless network, and other technology equipment and infrastructure and providing training to implement improvements)

Capital Improvements for All CVSD Schools...


Projects Funded by the Capital Improvements Levy

ALL CVSD Schools

Technology: 19,618 Student & Staff Devices, Safety/Security Improvements, Expanded Wi-fi/Network/Servers 

Adams ES

Safer Front Entry, Roofing, Playground

Bowdish MS

Safer Front Entry, Roofing, Blacktop Recreation Area

Broadway ES

Safer Front Entry, Playground

CV Early Learning Center


Central Valley & University HS

Stadium Lights

Greenacres MS

Safer Front Entry, Roofing, Blacktop Recreation Area

Liberty Lake ES

Safer Front Entry, Playground

McDonald ES

Safer Front Entry, Roofing, Playground

Progress ES

Safer Front Entry, Roofing, Playground

South Pines ES

Safer Front Entry, Playground

Spokane Valley Tech


Summit School

Safer Front Entry, HVAC, Playground



University ES

Safer Front Entry, Roofing, Playground


Central Valley schools are more than just buildings with classrooms… they’re a community investment.

CVSD is currently developing a long-range capital facilities project plan to maintain and expand your investment. See the Planning for Our Future page for additional information.

Capital Improvements Cost Estimates

Combined Costs for all Schools


Secure Vestibules


Roofing Improvements


Mechanical (HVAC, etc.) Improvements


Playground Improvements


Pavement Patching & Repairs for Accessibility


Technology Equipment





Proposed levy amounts & estimated property tax rate:


Collection Year


Estimated Levy Rate


Levy Tax for a Median Assessed Home Value of $400,000


Levy Amount District-Wide

 (Maximum Amount to be Approved by Voters)




$156 ($13/mo.)




$156 ($13/mo.)




$156 ($13/mo.)




$156 ($13/mo.)




$156 ($13/mo.)




$156 ($13/mo.)







Planning for Our Future School Projects

Central Valley schools are more than just buildings with classrooms…they’re a community investment. We’re currently developing a long-range capital facilities project plan to maintain and expand your investment.
Learn about the Proposed Capital Safety, Facilities & Technology Improvements Levy to pay for capital improvements (like safety & security, safer vestibule entrances, playgrounds & surfaces, roofing, HVAC, technology & student devices, etc.)
The CVSD School Board approved both the Replacement of the EPO Levy and the Capital Improvements Levy at their regular November 27, 2023 board meeting.
Check back for regular updates and additional information on this page. 
If you were unable to gather with our Capital Facilities Committee on October 11 or 12, here's a video recording for you to learn about proposed buildings/facilities, safety/lighting/technology projects and upgrades. Learn how school projects could potentially be financed with a capital levy.

Your input on these projects was valuable.

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