Meritorious Service Awards

CVSD is fortunate to have many dedicated employees who give freely of their time and talents to benefit our students and community. The district also acknowledges many community members and organizations that actively support our students & schools.  The School Board annually honors exemplary CVSD employee and community contributions toward student achievement, learning and teaching through the Meritorious Service Awards, initiated in 1985. 


DUE DATE is February 14, 2025

Should you have any difficulty filling out the on-line form, please email

Awards Criteria: 

The School Board developed specific criteria to select award recipients within these categories:

Certificated or Classified Employee - Individual

(individual staff members - for more than one individual please see the Team category below) 

  • Make outstanding contributions beyond the routine and ordinary job expectations for students and/or the district
  • Demonstrate continued professional growth and superior performance
  • Develop and cultivate a positive and productive relationship with colleagues, parents, staff, students and the public
Employee Team - Group of Employees

(any employee group working together to strengthen student learning and achievement)

  • Reflect the district's philosophy of student learning through collaboration
  • Demonstrate an outstanding sense of teamwork
  • Comprised of employee teams (not students)

Community Member or Organization 

(individual or group)

  • Make an outstanding contribution to public education
  • Serve students and/or the district in significant ways

About the Awards:

When is the nomination deadline?

The deadline to submit completed online nomination forms is Friday, February 14, 2025.

Who can nominate?

Anyone. Any employees, employee organizations, teachers, parents and students may nominate someone. Anyone may submit more than one nomination in each category.

Who can be nominated?

Any CVSD employee, team and/or community member/group who meets the criteria is eligible to be nominated. Through the nomination, recognition and award process, the School Board wishes to honor individuals/groups who have demonstrated outstanding service with a positive impact on students, schools and/or the district.

What is the selection process for award recipients?

All nominees will be submitted to the School Board for consideration as district-wide Meritorious Service Award recipients. The Board may consider additional individuals, organizations and teams, not nominated, but who have made positive contributions to the community. The Board will review the nominations and select recipients for district-wide awards in each category.

How will the nominees be recognized?

Every CVSD school, learning center and the district Learning and Teaching Center (LTC) will hold a special celebration to honor all nominees prior to the district-wide awards. These celebrations will be attended by School Board members who will personally recognize and thank nominees for their outstanding contributions.