School Board

The Board of Directors – your School Board – has five elected members.
The CVSD Board of Directors holds Regular School Board Meetings on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month, generally at 6:00pm, unless otherwise announced. Historically, should any regular board meeting fall on any legal or district holiday, then the meeting is held on the next regular business day, unless announced in advance otherwise.
School Board meeting agenda and request to address the School Board during Public Comment form are available two (2) days before the meeting.
- Board Bulletins
- Links to Current Agendas, Minutes & Recordings
- Learn About Attending School Board Meetings
- All School Board Meeting Agendas (BoardDocs)
(click through the agenda for presentation attachments and any other detailed attachments)
Each Director is elected from a geographic area, called a “district,” within the Central Valley School District. Board members are elected to staggered four-year terms by district residents and are elected at-large. School elections are held every two years during the general election in November. As elected officials, the Board is legally identified by state law and therefore follows the rule of law as it applies to the conduct of meetings and other official business.
School Board members – school directors – are the “governors” of the school district who work in partnership with the Superintendent’s administrative team to set the district’s direction.
The School Board’s governance responsibilities fall into four major areas:
Vision –
The Board focuses the work of the district and community on students and achievement through a comprehensive strategic planning process. -
Structure –
The Board governs the district. -
Accountability –
The Board infuses all programs and crucial policies with specific goals and a process for evaluation, reporting all recommendations for improvements. -
Advocacy –
The Board champions public education in the local community and before state and federal policy makers.
While the School Board is ultimately responsible, they employ a professional staff of administrators to manage the day-to-day functions in CVSD. The School Board works with administrators to make decisions and set policy regarding a number of matters including bond and levy elections, budget adoption, facilities, curriculum adoption, fiscal planning and oversight, employee relations and transportation. Decision-making authority is vested in the School Board as a whole and individual proposals are adopted only with the approval of a majority of board members.