Open Doors - Current Students
Graduation Details
Walking at graduation: DEADLINE May 31, must have all credits and state requirements completed
Not walking at graduation: DEADLINE June 17, must have all credits and state requirements completed
Students not meeting the above deadlines can continue to work on credits through the summer and into next school year.
- 24 credits
- High School & Beyond Plan
- State Assessment (Graduation Pathway)
Cap and Gown Ordering Information (click on the arrow to the right)
CVHS - Seniors Class of 2024 click here for more senior information
Ridgeline High School
To order cap, gown, tassel only: click “shop all” at the bottom of this page or place an order over the phone: 509-468-1608.
Graduation Coordinator: Contact Kacie Hoard, if you are planning to walk at graduation ceremonies.
RHS Seniors Class of 2024 click here for more senior information.
Graduation Coordinator: Contact Carly Schuh: if you are planning to walk at graduation ceremonies.
UHS Seniors Class of 2024 click here for more senior information.
Mica Peak High School
Testing Dates
ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery)
- ASVAB on April 23rd at 7:45am held in CV's Career Center.
- Please register here.
- The deadline to register is April 19. Seats are limited so register early.
University High School
- ASVAB on April 24th at 7:45 am in UHS’s Library.
- Please RSVP with Mrs. Rippee at
- The deadline to register is April 19. Seats are limited so register early.
SBAC Spring Tests (click on the arrow to the right)
Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) tests are administered at each high school. Please see below for test dates and be sure to RVSP or register as directed.
Ridgeline High School
Testing Contact: Abby Frandsen, afrandsen@cvsd.orgELA/MATH SBAC
May 23 - 24 8:00 am
University High School
Testing Contact: Ali Daschbach, adaschbach@cvsd.orgMay 21 - 24 8:00 am
Central Valley High School
May 21 8:00 am
Mica Peak High School
RSVP to Mr. Johnson @ no later than the day before testing.
April 30 and May 2 (Must Attend Both Days) 8:00 am to 10:00 am
Math SBAC:
May 7 and May 9 (Must Attend Both Days) 8:00 am to 10:00 am