ELD - Elementary

K-5 ELLs attend their neighborhood schools. This promotes a sense of community within their school, and provides an opportunity for ELLs and their families to become acquainted with peers and neighbors. An ELD Academic Learning Plan is created for each student to guide services, instructional strategies and accommodations. Classroom teachers are supported through a collaborative partnership with the ELD Specialists, supplemental instructional materials, interventions and strategies, and ongoing professional development.

CVSD uses Sheltered Instruction or Content-Based ESL, an instructional model where the classroom teacher modifies instruction presented in English using specific strategies to make academic subjects comprehensible and accessible while promoting the students' English language development. Some schools may offer designated ELD instruction. The Elementary ELD Specialists work closely with classroom teachers regarding accommodations given a child’s previous experience in formal schooling, their language level, and their stage of acculturation. Supplementary resources are also provided for the students and their teachers, such as access to bilingual picture dictionaries and literature and Imagine Learning®, an intensive online language and literacy development program.

Professional development for Sheltered Instruction strategies is provided through OCDE Project GLADⓇ (Guided Language Acquisition Design) Tier I Training with follow-up support for classroom implementation. GLAD trainers collaborate with grade level teams around integration of Project GLAD strategies into the core subject areas and facilitate modeling and co-teaching of co-developed lessons with strong emphasis on academic language development. Opportunities for collaboration with GLAD-trained teachers district-wide are provided through our after school OCDE Project GLAD® Network: Refresh & Refine, Collaborate & Create workshops. Teachers utilizing Imagine Learning® are also supported with time to learn more about the platform, analyze usage and progress, and collaborate to design instruction and interventions using data reports and the Action Areas Tool.

Once students reach the Transitional or Proficient level, ELD Specialists monitor their academic progress in collaboration with classroom teachers, school counselors, and parents/guardians. When appropriate, ELD Specialists  provide instructional support for students who need assistance in reaching grade-level performance in academic subjects.

Parents/guardians are always welcome to contact our elementary ELD Specialists with questions and concerns.

For more information about the Elementary ELD Program, please contact:

  • Sucia Dhillon, Teacher, (Spanish, RES), sdhillon@cvsd.org | (509) 558-5517, (509) 558-3431
  • Natasha Gerasimchuk, ELD Specialist (K-5, Russian/Ukrainian), ngerasimchuk@cvsd.org | (509) 558-5550
  • Cheri Hooper, ELD Specialist (K-8), chooper@cvsd.org | (509) 558-5553
  • Mary Kay Hughes, ELD Specialist (K-8, Spanish/French), mhughes@cvsd.org | (509) 558-5552
  • Christy Mardini, ELD Specialist (K-12, Arabic), cmardini@cvsd.org | (509) 558-5551