ELD - High School

Central Valley School District proudly supports ELLs at Central Valley High School, Ridgeline High School and University High Schools. Students are assigned to an English Language Arts-aligned ELD class based on their language proficiency level. Our district offers three levels of ELD classes: Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced. Some students who have completed the Advanced course but have yet to transition out of the program are placed on a case-by-case basis into a grade-level English Language Arts class while continuing to be monitored by the ELD teacher/specialist.
High School ELD Program:
  • The ELD teacher/specialist works with counseling staff to determine the best placement in classes in order to assure ELL success and on-time graduation. The ELD teacher/specialist also works collaboratively with ELLs, their parents/guardians, and the counseling staff about a student’s academic achievement throughout their class schedule and progress toward graduation and college/career readiness.
  • The ELD teacher/specialist teaches all three levels of ELD courses offered: Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced. Depending on student numbers, multiple sections of any of the levels may be offered.
  • Students are supported in their high school classes by the ELD teacher/specialist working with content area teachers to modify and accommodate instructional strategies and materials.
  • The ELD teacher/specialist provides input on accommodations for standardized testing for graduation purposes (Smarter Balanced and End-of-Course tests in ELA, Math and Science).
  • The ELD teacher/specialist administers required language proficiency tests, both the placement test and the required annual test (WIDA).
  • The ELD teacher/specialist maintains accurate records in accordance with OSPI and Title III requirements.
  • When high school students who have transitioned (scored Proficient on the WIDA) experience challenges with their classes or need help arranging for credit retrieval, they or their parents/guardians are encouraged to contact the ELD teacher/specialist or their counselor for additional academic support.
  • The ELD teacher/specialist encourages and, when needed, facilitates ELLs to participate in the full range of a high school experience, e.g., intramural and extracurricular activities, sports, drama, music, the arts, and community service/leadership.
  • The value of biliteracy is emphasized and promoted, including encouraging ELLs to take a World Languages Competency Assessment in their primary language. A passing score on this test allows up to 4 elective credits towards graduation and a possible Seal of Biliteracy on their diploma.
For more information about the High School ELD Program, please contact:
Svetlana Kushnerchuk
ELD Teacher
9-12, UHS, Spanish
(509) 558-6023
Christy Mardini
ELD Specialist
K-12, LTC, Arabic
(509) 558-5551
Tamara Mosar
ELD Teacher
9-12, CVHS, Spanish
(509) 558-5155
Renee Williams Teacher, RHS
(509) 558-3941