School Board » Board Bulletins

Board Bulletins

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A message from your School Board President...

Pam Orebaugh, President
Happy end of the school year from your CVSD School Board of Directors. It’s been a very busy and productive year. We’re proud of all the work we accomplished in conjunction with district administrators and staff. We look forward to continue making our district the best it can be for our students, parents, staff, and community.
In our work, our highest priority remains student safety and success in all areas. To successfully do this, we must also focus on supporting our teachers, staff, and parents in addition to fiscal responsibility and listening to our community. Some school year highlights include: 
  • developing improved stakeholder communication, especially parents/guardians
  • advocating for and working on increased transparency, especially with fiscally related items
  • supporting students by attending school events, inviting student representatives to speak at board meetings, and supporting Dr. Parker in establishing a Student Advisory Council
  • working with our state legislators on items related to funding and local control of school boards
  • ensuring all levy communications were accurate, transparent, easy-to-understand, and accessible
  • implementing strategic plan initiatives
  • developing new superintendent board team goals and working agreements and adjusting the start times of board meetings for community accessibility.
We could not do this rewarding and involved work without your support and collaboration. We appreciate all our community does for our schools.
Please reach out as we desire to hear from our stakeholders. Or, join us at our board meetings the second or fourth Mondays at 6pm, 2218 N Molter Rd.

Have a great summer!  
President Pam Orebaugh

Meet your School Board Members...

  • Pam Orebaugh, President, Dist. #5, elected 2021. Originally from Montana, Orebaugh has lived our area for 30+ years. She currently teaches university-level nursing. Her career includes flight nursing and care for children/pregnant women. An active community volunteer, she has four children who attended CV schools and one currently. She loves the Zags, water sports and working with her daughter’s horse.
  • Teresa Landa, Vice President, Dist. #2, elected 2021. Her educational career spans 26 years as a former CVSD teacher/admin.; Newport Superintendent; and NEWESD101's Asst. Superintendent. Four family generations hold CVSD diplomas, including Landa. Find her family’s photos at the Spokane Valley Heritage Museum. She volunteers as a classroom helper and loves stand-up paddle boarding.
  • Anniece Barker, Legislative Rep., Dist. #4, elected 2023.  Barker is an active community volunteer and A Voice for Washington Children organization’s founding chair, formed in 2020 to protect parent rights. She advocates for community values, fiscal stewardship and high academic standards. A home-based baking business owner, she loves to provide cooking and art classes at her children’s CVSD schools.
  • Stephanie Jerdon, Director, Dist. #3, elected 2023. Jerdon formerly taught 5th and 6th grades in Utah, prior to raising her children: two graduated from CVSD and one more to go. She’s been a classroom mentor, PTO member, library programming specialist and clerk. Jerdon leads with proactive community involvement. An Air Force wife, her family moved around before settling here in 2016. She enjoys international travel.
  • Cindy McMullen, Director, Dist. #1, elected 2015. A retired attorney after 40+ years, McMullen served four years on the State Board of Education and previously served 24 years on the CVSD School Board. She’s a past president of WSSDA and active on their legislative committee. She has three daughters who went to CV schools. McMullen is a huge Zags and Stanford fan and loves spending time with family and her dog.
School Board Photo