Academics & Programs » AA Degree in the High School Program

AA Degree in the High School Program


Earn your Associate of Arts (AA) Degree in your own high school…

CVSD Students have the opportunity to earn a no-cost general Associate of Arts (AA) degree at their very own neighborhood high school beginning freshman year, utilizing a Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA). This program will begin at University High School (UHS) in 2024-2025 and will start at Central Valley High School and Ridgeline High School the following 2025-2026 school year. Although the AA-DTA degree at UHS does not meet the prerequisites for STEM-related degrees, there is potential that one of the other two high schools could have this focus. This is yet to be determined, based on the tailoring of individual teacher qualifications.

How to Apply for an AA Degree at UHS

Students who will be freshman at UHS for 2024-2025 and are interested in applying will sign up with their school counselor. Together they will fill out a four-year plan

Attend a Parent Information Meeting for an AA Degree at UHS

  • Bowdish, Horizon & North Pines Middle School 8th graders: UHS Library on Tuesday 5/7, 6-7pm
  • UHS 9th graders with specific qualifications: UHS Library on Tuesday 5/14, 6-7pm

AA Degree in HS Program Benefits

  • Freshmen have the distinct opportunity to try out this program to see if it is a fit for them.
  • Students stay at their neighborhood high school and earn both a high school diploma and an AA-DTA two-year college degree at the same time, during the regular school day.
  • Families save thousands of dollars in college tuition costs and save up to two years off a bachelor's degree program.
  • Students with an AA-DTA degree have the opportunity to automatically transfer to any Washington public 4-year college or university as a junior, with the general university requirements fulfilled.
  • Students can transfer to an associate of science program at a community or technical college with the general education requirements fulfilled. Students can later transfer to a bachelor's degree program seamlessly, if desired.
  • Students have the option to enter the workforce directly after high school graduation with a high school diploma and an AA-DTA degree, providing an immediate employment advantage and a solid foundation for future education, if desired,
  • See the difference between AA in the High School and College in the High School pathways.
  • See how your college-level classes transfer to over 400 schools across the country.

Sign Up Today!

  • Schedule an appointment with your UHS school counselor to learn more about the AA degree program for 2024-2025.
  • Space in the program is limited, based on course availability.

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