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CVSD Budget & Finance

2024-2025 Budget - Approved August 12, 2025


CVSD's School Board approves the district's annual budget in August of each year. The Board also certifies annual levy amounts for general fund and debt service funds to be collected from taxpayers on the district's behalf by the Spokane County Treasurer's Office.

CVSD is committed to transparency and accountability to our Central Valley community. This information provides an opportunity for you to learn more about the development of school district budgets.


CVSD Funding

CVSD's 2024/2025 general fund budgeted revenue is $259.3 million. More than 84% of the district’s funding comes from the State of Washington and Federal programs. The remaining revenues, 16%, flow from local taxpayers via the Educational Programs and Operations levy and LEA Local Effort Assistance. The district also maintains separate funds for capital projects, transportation vehicles, debt service and Associated Student Body ASB activities.

2023-2024 Budget - Approved August 14, 2023

Understanding Enrollment Headcount Versus FTE

CVSD’s current enrollment is 14,112 students via headcount and 13,886 full-time equivalent (FTE) students. This is less than one percent variance from the budgeted projection of 13,974 FTE. However, it is higher than the 13,826-student enrollment from June 2023. FTE enrollment projections drive funding for budget development.

 Student A & B

  • 2 students = headcount of 2
  • Student A: attends all day = 1 FTE
  • Student B: attends 1 class on-site & Running Start = 0.18 FTE


Full Time Equivalent (FTE)




Enrollment Projection Process

  • District assessment of demographer data
  • Roll up students from prior year grades
  • Project kindergarten enrollment
  • Review special education and alternative programs

K-12 State Standardized School Funding Formula Calculation

  • FTE of certificated staff per grade based on an average school population (Elementary 400 FTE; Middle School 432 FTE; High School 600 FTE)
  • FTE of administrators and classified support staff (i.e. secretaries, custodians, maintenance, technology etc.)
  • Allocation for maintenance, supplies and operating costs (i.e. technology, utilities, curriculum, library materials, supplies etc.)

2023-2024 CVSD General Fund Revenue Sources

2023-2024 General Fund Revenue Sources  


2023-2024 General Fund Expenditures

2023-2024 General Fund Expenditures 
Levy - Gap Funding Diagram

Local Effort Assistance (LEA) State Funding Reduction

LEA provides schools districts with state funding for locally determined activities that enrich the state’s program of basic education, in addition to the local levy, thereby enhancing equity in students’ access to extracurricular activities. The LEA funding model recently changed with a significant reduction in the amount allocated for CVSD.

LEA Funding Decrease Chart

Funding of Certificated Staff

Certificated Funding Diagram

  • The state funding model generates certificated FTE staff numbers based on student enrollment projections.
    • 2023-2024 state funding model calculated 724.5 FTE certificated teachers
  • There is a gap in the state funding versus the actual average cost of compensation and benefits
    • $24,940 per FTE certificated teacher
    • The estimated excess cost for 724.5 FTE =$18,069,030 (paid by local levy dollars)
  • Special education certificated staff (above the 724.5 FTE) are funded through state special education funds.
Balance Scale