School Board » Board Bulletins

Board Bulletins

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CVSD School Board has long history of honoring Meritorious Service...

Cindy McMullenMarch 2025
Since 1985, the Board has formally recognized the outstanding contributions of district staff and community members and organizations in support of our students’ education. Initially, the celebrations were dinner or dessert events, which included the honorees’ families and colleagues, and local dignitaries. More recently, the Board has met with the staff and community at their local schools, where we can read the accolades in the nomination form to the folks with whom they work every day.
There are four categories for this annual recognition: certificated staff (generally teachers and those with certificated degrees), classified staff (generally support staff), community, and teams. Nominations come from students, parents and families, co-workers, and supervisors.
This year, the Board received 800 nominations! In addition to the local school celebrations, the Board recognizes district-wide honorees in each category at our second board meeting in March (this year Monday, March 24 at 6pm). One of the certificated staff nominees is also named as the district’s Educator of the Year, to be honored by the Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce at its Business Awards Celebration on Wednesday, March 19 at 5pm.
The Meritorious Service Awards give the Board the opportunity to express our pride and gratitude to everyone who exemplifies OUR MISSION: Prepare students for career and life through a high-quality, comprehensive education in partnership with families and community in a safe and inclusive environment. 
Cindy McMullen
School Board Director
View the 2024 Meritorious Honorees, Nominees and Past Recipients at
(utilize the menu for the various years)

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An update from your School Board Legislative Representative...

Anniece BarkerFebruary 2025
The Central Valley School Board is dedicated to advocating for our students and community. 

We foster ongoing relationships with local elected officials, keeping them informed about the needs of our students and families. By sharing personal stories from students, teachers, and staff, we provide valuable insight into the challenges and experiences within our schools. Additionally, we closely monitor legislative sessions, tracking bills that could impact our district. 

As these bills progress, we engage in the process by signing in as Pro or Con, submitting written testimony, and, when possible, delivering verbal testimony. Though this work requires dedication, we believe that, together, we can make a meaningful difference in our community.

The Washington State Legislature follows a two-year biennium cycle. In the first year, the primary focus is on establishing the state budget and passing legislation in both the House and Senate. Bills go through a structured process in each chamber, beginning with a committee hearing. If approved, they move to a funding committee before advancing to the chamber floor for a vote. Bills that receive a "Do Pass" vote then move to the opposite chamber, where they follow the same process. Those approved by both chambers are sent to the Governor, who can sign them into law, veto them, or allow them to become law after 20 days without a signature. The second year of the biennium addresses budget adjustments and considers both new bills and those from the previous year that did not pass.
Community members play a crucial role in this advocacy work. Keeping track of proposed bills and engaging with local representatives on a personal level can be highly effective. Reaching out through emails or phone calls helps inform representatives about the concerns and perspectives of their constituents. 
Additionally, signing into bills, providing testimony, and sharing important legislative information with others in the community are essential actions. Using social media to raise awareness and amplify advocacy efforts can also make a significant impact. To learn more visit
You can also track all the education-related and other local legislation on our bill tracker page:  

Anniece Barker

2025 School Board Legislative Representative

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Legislative Look
Stay informed... A look at Washington's legislative bills at
Your CVSD School Board wants to make sure you are informed of current bills currently in the 2025 legislature session. View several bill trackers that are updated weekly for you to follow as well as contacts for your legislators.

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A message from your 2025 School Board President...

Stephanie Jerdon, PresidentJanuary 2025


Well, we blinked, and now find ourselves half way through the 2024-2025 school year! I am honored to serve as your new Central Valley School Board president, and feel it is a fitting time to reflect on the school year thus far.


As a board, we greatly appreciate the many hands which are working in tandem on behalf of each of our students. We were encouraged as we received streamlined, annual improvement plans from each school (and a new district improvement plan as well), describing their goals for student progress and success. Coupled with renewed efforts towards professional learning community (PLC) collaboration and development, we are excited about the strides being made to monitor and strengthen teaching and learning.


Speaking of which, it is nearly time for the annual district Meritorious Awards. We hope you will take time to reflect on the individuals and/or groups who have been outstanding in their efforts to support students in our schools, and then nominate them for recognition. Don’t be shy. This is the chance to brag on their behalf!


The deadline for Meritorious Award nominations is Friday, February 14, 2025. You can find the details and nomination form at


By way of further updates, board work since the end of last school year has included:

  • Development and approval of 2024-2025 goals for the Board-Superintendent Team
  • Analysis and approval of the 2024-2025 budget
  • Development of a Minimum Fund Balance policy (to be considered for final approval)
  • Updating seven (7) existing policies to align with recent legislation/laws
  • Approval of two (2) new policies regarding workforce secondary trauma and language access for students and their families
  • Resolution to conduct emergency repairs to the Early Learning Center/Mica Peak High School building
  • Approval of a High School Swimming Co-op Program with Cheney School District
  • Approval of an Interlocal Agreement with Spokane County and the City of Liberty Lake for School Resource Deputies
  • Development of CVSD Board legislative priorities within Washington State School Directors Association (WSSDA)
  • Approval of a district Long-Range Capital Facilities Plan to address future needs
  • Approval of a new Balanced Calendar to improve student, teacher, and staff well-being, address summer learning loss and absenteeism issues, as well as reevaluate student conferences to enhance learning and meet community needs
  • Resolution and letter asking WIAA and legislators to advocate for equal opportunities and safety in female sports competition
  • Approval of classified substitute rate increase to compete with other local districts and attract more applicants
  • Meeting with legislators to discuss our district’s needs including issues regarding the funding required to meet increasing materials, supplies and operation costs (MSOCs); addressing increased transportation costs; as well as fully funding special education

As we start 2025, we are eager to get to work on plans connected to the passing of our capital improvements levy, and continue creating opportunities for student growth.


We would like to thank you, our community, for your generosity, support, and partnership.


Please connect with us or join us for our board meetings the second or fourth Mondays at 6pm, 2218 N Molter Rd. We value your insights and perspectives in this collective effort!


Happy New Year to you and yours!

Stephanie Jerdon

2025 School Board President


Go to BoardDocs for more information on any of these initiatives mentioned.