School COVID Requirements
CVSD follows recommendations and requirements from the Washington Department of Health, the Spokane Regional Health District, and the CDC.
Washington Department of Health (DOH):
DOH Guidance to Prevent and Respond to COVID-19 in K-12 Schools (updated 9/11/23)
DOH Guidance to Prevent and Respond to COVID-19 in K-12 Schools (updated 9/11/23)
Spokane Regional Health District:
SRHD School Communicable Disease Manual (updated 9/11/23)
COVID-19 and Student Health & Safety
If my child has flu-like symptoms, when should they return to school?
- All students and staff who are ill must stay home. See the COVID-19 Decision Tree posted on this page and the information below for specifics*.
- We will continue to follow all Washington State Department of Health and Department of Labor and Industries requirements as well as the local Spokane Regional Health District (SRHD).
*Staying Home When Sick: (from DOH Requirements and Guidance COVID-19 in K-12 Schools**)
- Students, children, and staff who have symptoms of COVID-19 are required to stay home and should get tested. Follow the DOH What to do if a Person is Symptomatic flowchart.
- Any student, child, or staff member who tests positive for COVID-19 is required to isolate at home following At-Home Isolation Protocol as outlined in the document linked above**.
- Individuals should continue to wear a well-fitting mask for an additional 5 days (day 6 through day 10) if they return to school after the end of their 5-day isolation period. If an individual is unable to wear a well-fitting mask, they should continue to isolate for a full 10 days.
- To further protect their school or child care community, individuals who test positive using antigen or at-home tests towards the end of the full 5 days of isolation, and/or on days 6-10, are required to complete the full 10 days of isolation. Testing after day 10 is not recommended.
Will parents be notified if there is a suspected case of COVID-19 in my school?
- We will share this information as needed, while still protecting the individual privacy and identity of students or staff.
- Anyone who has not been directly contacted, but is concerned about possible exposure, should visit Washington Department of Health's What to do if you were potentially exposed to someone with confirmed coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
If wearing a face mask (optional), what type of face mask should my child wear?
- In general, the Washington State Department of Health advises masks should be comprised of at least two layers of tightly woven fabric/material.
- Masks with holes, that are sheer or mesh, or can be seen through are not sufficient.
Virtual Learning Options
As always, we will continue to provide options for our families for student learning. All students have the option of attending school in person, all day, every school day. We also have virtual options through Central Valley Virtual Learning.
Please contact us at:
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Allocation of Funds and Spending Plans
CVSD Guiding Principles
CVSD will meet our students, staff and community at their readiness level. By doing so, we will build greater confidence in and deliver on our ability to provide a high quality educational experience for our students:
- We will provide in-person learning and teaching to the greatest extent allowable by local and state officials.
- We will adopt a robust virtual learning curriculum for all CVSD students that allows for continuity in the event of school closures or lack of in-person options for learning and teaching.
- We will plan for multiple scenarios and have the necessary health and safety protocols in place to protect students, staff, and community. By doing so, we will be a resource to our health department in combating the COVID 19 outbreak.